The average house price on LAUREL GROVE is £74,525
The most expensive house in the street is 7 LAUREL GROVE with an estimated value of £95,710
The cheapest house in the street is 6 LAUREL GROVE with an estimated value of £47,526
The house which was most recently sold was 1 LAUREL GROVE, this sold on 12 Mar 2012 for £38,500
The postcode for LAUREL GROVE is HU3 6AN
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 LAUREL GROVE Terraced £66,290 £38,500 12 Mar 2012
2 LAUREL GROVE Terraced £68,027 £38,000 24 Feb 2006
3 LAUREL GROVE Terraced £93,386 £56,000 22 Dec 2006
6 LAUREL GROVE Terraced £47,526 £10,180 19 Nov 1998
7 LAUREL GROVE Terraced £95,710 £54,950 17 Jul 2006
10 LAUREL GROVE Terraced £76,213 £22,500 16 Jul 2001